Nature Photography Blog

A place dedicated to providing photographers with helpful articles that will deepen your skills and understanding of capturing nature in its most captivating beauty....all through your lens.

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Should I care about AI in my nature photography? creativity & photography experiences in nature Mar 29, 2023

While I am not on Social Media and connected to the chatter, buzz, hashtags, or other items that often time let you know when something is...

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Finding our Photography Focus for 2023 being more creative creativity & photography landscape photography thoughts Jan 07, 2023

Each year I start the year with a single word that kind of becomes a mantra.  I’d like to think this gives me some focus for the...

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Getting to know Nature Photographer Sarah Marino creativity & photography photographer profiles speaker series Dec 06, 2022

As I progress as a photographer and a human I continue to have admiration for the people that share their own journey, insights, and...

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The Artist Date artist date being more creative creativity & photography landscape photography thoughts Oct 08, 2022

The Artist Date

“Logic will take you from A to B.  Imagination will take you everywhere.”  Albert Einstein

As a...

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Getting to Know Eric Bennett being more creative creativity & photography landscape photography thoughts photographer profiles speaker series Sep 28, 2022

We all start our photographic journey with someone that helps us to break through some barrier in our work, how we see our work, or how we see...

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Creating our garden of creativity being more creative creativity & photography landscape photography thoughts Sep 24, 2022

“It frequently takes half a lifetime for the creatively talented individual to come to terms with one's own talent, to accept it fully, and...

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