Catalog of Dynamic Speakers
Check out our impressive catalog of landscape photographers & educators!
Welcome to our growing database of amazing photographers who have taught sessions in our Speaker Series! Click on their images to learn more about their session.
Chrissy Donadi
In "Photography Workflow Revolution: Unlocking Lightroom Classic's Full Potential", Chrissy offers insights into tailoring Lightroom Classic to fit your unique needs. We'll explore the art of efficient organization, making the most of Lightroom's capabilities, and streamlining post-processing.
Huibo Hou
Huibo has joined us for two amazing sessions, "Getting to the Essence in B&W" and "Elevating the Visual and Emotional Impact of Landscape Photography in B&W." Huibo's classes are designed to inspire you towards creating impactful black and white landscape images while elevating their visual and emotional impact.
Sarah Marino
Sarah has joined us for three amazing sessions, “The Expansive Mindset”, "Black & White: Bold Interpretations" and "Abstractions: Seeking Mystery in the Natural World." She teaches us how to take an "expansive view" of photography, essential lessons for photographing in black and photographing a wide range of abstractions found in nature.
Richard Martin
Richard has joined us for two amazing sessions, “Towards Abstraction in the Natural World” and “The Expressive Power of Tones." He provides an opportunity to discover alternative ways to work creatively. Whether you are interested in landscapes, portraits, architecture and so forth, there are almost endless possibilities for expressing your feelings and vision photographically.
Ian Plant
Ian has joined us for two inspiring sessions "Anatomy of a Grand Landscape Photograph" and “How to Take Amazing Drone Photos.” Ian teaches us how to make compelling grand landscape compositions.
Ian will be joining us for a third time in The Vision of Wildlife series. Be sure to join us!
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