$27.00 USD

23.11 Chrissy Donadi – Photography Workflow Revolution: Unlocking Lightroom Classic's Full Potential

Kicking off the 2023 Post Processing Speaker series is the incredibly relatable and talented, Chrissy Donadi. 

Born and raised in Pennsylvania's picturesque Pocono Mountains, Chrissy Donadi is a professional nature and landscape photographer, writer, and photo educator. Her transformative journey from engineering to photography began abroad and led to a deep passion for being outdoors and capturing the world's beauty. Chrissy's diverse portfolio features grand landscapes as well as intimate and small scenes, reflecting her deep appreciation for Mother Earth’s intricate details.

Join us in this comprehensive course tailored for nature and landscape photographers seeking to enhance their Lightroom Classic experience. This course delves into essential strategies for organizing and optimizing your Lightroom Classic workflow. Whether you're a seasoned Lightroom user or just beginning, our focus is on providing practical knowledge and techniques to elevate your photography process.

With her roots in industrial engineering, Chrissy possesses a keen eye for optimizing processes and workflows. Her journey from engineering to photography has allowed her to seamlessly blend her technical knowledge with her creative passion for nature. 

In "Photography Workflow Revolution," you will gain insights into tailoring Lightroom Classic to fit your unique needs. We'll explore the art of efficient organization, making the most of Lightroom's capabilities, and streamlining post-processing. Our aim is to guide you through the crucial steps every Lightroom user should master.

Through her captivating images and educational endeavors, she seeks to utilize the art of photography to nurture her creativity and forge a deeper connection with nature. Chrissy inspires others to explore this art form and discover their own creative connections with the natural world, while also offering valuable insights into the efficient organization and streamlining of photography workflows.

By unlocking the full potential of Lightroom Classic, you can transform your photography workflow into a more seamless and creative experience.