$17.00 USD

24.03 Michael Frye - A Sense of Mystery

“Unless a landscape is invested with a sense of mystery, it is no better than a postcard.” -Brett Weston

The most compelling photographs go beyond the literal – beyond just showing what something looks like – and reach viewers on a deeper level by telling a compelling story, capturing a mood, or showing the world in a new and surprising way. 

And that usually means they have a sense of mystery. The strongest images don't simply show the subject in a straightforward way, but leave something to the imagination, and engage viewers by making them wonder about what's not shown, or what's not obvious. They convey a mood or feeling by taking ordinary, everyday objects and making them symbolize something bigger and more universal. They might even evoke a sense of wonder at the boundless beauty and variety of our planet. 

In this presentation Michael Frye will explore these essential, often-overlooked aspects of photography, showing you how a sense of mystery can make more compelling images, and how you can add mystery and wonder to your own photographs.