$54.00 USD

Huibo Hou - "Getting to the Essence BW" & "Elevating the Visual and Emotional Impact" (2 sessions)

Huibo has joined us for two amazing sessions, "Getting to the Essence in BW" and "Elevating the Visual and Emotional Impact of Landscape Photography B&W." She explores the ideas and techniques of seeking such simplicity, both in the field and during post-processing, while elevating your photos visual and emotional impact.

1. Getting to the Essence in BW

Black and white images often have power in their simplicity. Huibo's favorite type of black and white landscape images are the clean, simple ones with just a few essential elements in each frame. This leaves space for viewers to imagine and contemplate.

During this presentation, she will explore the ideas and techniques of seeking such simplicity, both in the field and during post-processing.

Topics include:
• seeing and composing with essential elements.
• using long exposure to simplify and create mood.
• managing details and textures with tonal control in post-processing and much more!

Whether you are new to photography or an experienced photographer, this class is designed to inspire you towards creating impactful black and white landscape images. In addition, there will be a demonstration of Huibo’s techniques of how she post processes her images, giving them the distinctive look and feel of simplicity.

2. Elevating the Visual and Emotional Impact of Landscape Photography B&W

When deciding whether a final image should be presented in black and white, my criteria often come down to a single question: Does it elevate the visual and emotional impact of the subject compared to using color? Black and white photography, for me, is not merely an alternative aesthetic approach; instead, I turn to it to reveal and fulfill the deeper potential of the subject, sometimes transcending its literal appearance in color. In this class, I will delve deeply into how to seek and capture such potentials in the field, and how to continue elevating their visual and emotional impact during postprocessing. Whether you are an exploring beginner or an experienced photographer, this class aims to inspire you towards creating impactful black and white landscape images.