$77.00 USD

25.03 Storytelling and Connection Speaker Series

How can our images tell a story?  How do we bring a voice to a 2 dimension object that exists in a very real sense in 3 dimensions in front of us.  Why is connection so important to the environment in which you are photographing?  What the heck is storytelling?  

These are just some of the questions people ask when it comes to how can my images tell a story.  For many of us we don’t know what it is but somehow we can see it in other peoples work where an image communicates far beyond the literal interpretation of the landscape.  

  • We start the series with UK Photographer Margaret Soraya and Finding Your Voice where we will set the stage on how to find time for ourselves to create, how to extract what we might want to say, and then ways we can say that.
  • We will hear from 2023 Inspired Creator, Talor Stone, as she speaks about Storytelling within Long Term Projects.  How when we commit to projects we find a deeper level of commitment and ability to extract themes and narratives.
  •  Next, we welcome back to Nature Photography Clases the author of 14 books on photography, creativity, and connection, David duChemin.  In David’s talk we will dive into how stories have characters we connect with, how stories have mystery, how stories need to have setting and how stories have conflict.
  • The series concludes when Sapna Reddy will then lead us through How To Effectively Communicate Through Photography as we talk about Communicating the Visuals, Understanding the Language of Photography.