Freeman Patterson is almost photographic royalty. Hailing from New Brunswick Canada he has influenced countless photographers to see and interact with the landscape. Freeman is an elected member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Art and a recipient of the Photographic Society of America’s highest award, the Progress Medal. He was appointed to the Order of Canada in 1985 and the Order of New Brunswick in 2013.
Freeman has authored 15 books, five of them on photography and visual design; his most recent, Embracing Creation, was published in conjunction with the opening of his large retrospective exhibition at New Brunswick’s Beaverbrook Art Gallery in September 2013.
We are honored to have him join us to talk about the The CALL of CREATIVITY.
Freeman begins his presentation with a talk about the nature of creativity and the ways to nurture and develop the creativity with which each of us was born. He includes stories of people who have used their creativity in difficult circumstances to benefit others, then follows this with a series of photographs (with commentary) that illustrate his main points and reveal how both the symbols in our art and the symbols in our dreams tell our life story.
Freemans presentation will be different. There will not be chat or Q&A during his presentation but we after he completes his presentation we will open up the chat for you to ask away and get your most burning questions answered.